Monday, March 7, 2016

Apps to Recommend to Patients

While there are no apps that focus on Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS), there are some with links that can assist pregnant women who are trying to make it through their pregnancy.
For moms who need to stay on their narcotics, like those who are on Methadone treatment, an app that is a pill monitor would be very helpful. These types of apps educate their users on the type of medications and have reminders to take medications. It is a type of list that communicates to the user to make sure and finish everything throughout the day (Pill Monitor – Medication Reminders and Logs on the App Store, 2015).

For those who stop taking their narcotics, there is an app called Relax Now. This app assists in reducing stress and anxiety by being a sort of pocket hypnotherapy. For moms who are trying to stay off the narcotic of choice or cut down on use, their anxiety will be high with possible insomnia. Stress relief will be important (Connolly, 2011). 

To assist with the pregnancy, it will be important for the mothers to keep track of what she eats. There are several apps that assist in keeping track of proper nutrients the mother needs. An example is Health Plus. This will assist the mother in keeping up her nutrition, especially if she is still taking the narcotics, to get the proper nutrients to the fetus (ABCOM Information, 2011).

Finally, to assist with life after the birth of their infant, an app that will assist is Baby Connect. This app allows the parents to keep track of the infants habits, learn about important behaviors of their infant and can assist in calming down the infant. This will assist the new parents to care for the infant and stay organized, as much as they possibly can, for a smooth transition (Baby Connect, 2016)

ABCOM Information. (2011). Health Plus on the Mac App Store. Retrieved March 07, 2016, from 
Baby Connect: Baby tracker and log for Android, iPhone, iPad, Windows Phone and for the web. (2016). Retrieved March 07, 2016, from 
Connolly, T. (2011). Relax Now HD on the App Store. Retrieved March 07, 2016, from 
Pill Monitor – Medication Reminders and Logs on the App Store. (2015). Retrieved March 07, 2016, from  

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