Friday, February 5, 2016

Etiology and Pathophysiology

The etiology of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) is when the mother uses and is addicted to opiate drugs while pregnant. The type of narcotics include heroin, codeine, oxycodone, Oxycontin, methadone and buprenorphine. The narcotic goes into the mother and into the fetus through the placenta (Lee, 2014). Huestis and Choo (2002) explain the mechanisms of transfer from mother to fetus, these include, active transport which requires energy, passive diffusion requiring no energy, and pinocytosis which moves fluids by creating a cavity of cell membranes. Along with the mechanisms of transport, it is also important on the size of the drug molecule, because equilibrium will always be reached across the placenta membrane, meaning mother and fetus will be on the same substances (Huestis & Choo, 2002). The cause of NAS is substance abuse and dependence, which is a growing problem especially in women. The treatment of addiction takes time and is different for every individual. Plus with the availability of opiate narcotics increasing, this contributes to the morbidity of NAS (Huestis & Choo, 2002).

(ABC News, 2012)
The mother in this video was seeking drug abuse treatment when she found out she was pregnant. Since she was still dependent on methadone, the baby became addicted and had to go through withdrawal after being born. The progression of NAS is illustrated above, the mother of this infant, while under methadone treatment, passed the drug onto her fetus and once the infant was born, detox started. Then all the mother could do is watch, while her infant was treated for withdrawal off a narcotic that the infant had no choice in. Resulting in harsh symptoms and more medications to wean the infant off the narcotic and try and ease the symptoms of detox.

ABC News (2012). Drug-Dependent Infants Detox at Tenn. NICU. Retrieved February 05, 2016, from
Huestis, M.A., & Choo, R.E. (2002). Drug abuse’s smallest victims: In utero drug exposure. Forensic Science International, 128, 20-30.
 Lee, K. (2014). Neonatal abstinence syndrome: MedlinePlus medical encyclopedia. Retrieved February 05, 2016, from 

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